The Arc of Virginia Urges State Congressional Delegation to Oppose Harmful Per Capita Cap
On May 2, The Arc Virginia sent a strong letter to the state’s Congressional delegation opposing the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and expressing grave concern about the Medicaid per capita cap proposals. The News Virginian published The Arc of Virginia’s letter in today’s newspaper, which can be accessed here. “These proposals would cause harm to thousands of Virginians with developmental disabilities who rely on Medicaid for home and community based care and would impede efforts to address the unmet needs of Virginians on the Developmental Disability (DD) Waiver waiting list,” wrote Kim Goodloe, President of The Arc of Virginia. “On behalf of the tens of thousands of Virginians with developmental disabilities and families who are affected by these proposals, we urge you to oppose the AHCA and speak publicly against the Medicaid per capita caps.”